Publikacje anglojęzyczne

M.Sieradzka, A Departure from a Formalistic Approach in the Assessment of Restrictive Vertical Agreements in Favour of a More Economics-based Approach? Case Comment to the Supreme Court Judgment of 15 May 2014 (Ref. No. III SK 44/13)- YARS 2015, nr

Małgorzata Sieradzka, The importance of ‘subjective fault’ in fixing pecuniary penalties for competition-restricting practices (Part II), PUG 2014, nr 1

M.Sieradzka, Delimitation of the respective competences of the Commission and the national competition authorities with regard to application of competition law – a commentary on the CJEU Judgement of 14 February 2012, Case C17/10 Toshiba Corporation and Others vs Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže, YARS 2014, nr 5

Małgorzata Sieradzka, The importance of ‘subjective fault’ in fixing pecuniary penalties for competition-restricting practices (Part I), PUG 2013, nr 12

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